

A prompt is a simple statement to take in, in a state of mindfulness. They can begin to reveal how you experience what you believe.

Intro to a mindful state:

To engage the possibilities within these prompts, take a moment to go within. Gently close your eyes. Feel your feet on the floor, your heart beating in your chest. Feel the temperature of the space you are in, on your skin. Feel your breath moving into your body, and out.
Just taking the time to notice any sensations, feelings that are present…

When you are ready, click any of the words below


All of you are welcome here.


You don’t have to prove anything


You get to be you


Whatever you choose is ok.


I accept myself just the way I am


I invite loving friendship and intimacy into my life.


I dare to open my heart to love and be loved.

Questions or Comments

After you have allowed yourself to experience the prompt, it can be supportive to write down any experiences or reflections that may have become present for you.

For any questions or comments, please use the contact form below.